Criterion VIII

8.1.1 Integration of different systems of health care in the teaching hospital

8.1.2 Institutional mechanism towards classical way of Ayurveda learning

8.1.3 Promotion of seasonal Panchakarma and implementation of lifestyle modifications including Kaumarapanchakarma Links for Activities towards improvement of clinical documentation, details of new initiations in administering Panchakarma procedures Details of Mock Drill Link for Any Additional Information Links for SOPs of development, implementation, monitoring and revision of SOPs Link for details of activities towards maintenance of quality, details of training content, frequency of training, skill development programs of therapist Additional Information Protocols incorporating principles of ayurvedha and their Implementation Protocols developed for lifestyle modifications through ayurvedha and the promotional activities undertaken, Number of people who are advised lifestyle modifications and the outcome thereof. Number of Activities to promote seasonal panchakarma and number of seasonal panchakarma procedures performed

8.1.4 Steps adopted by the Institution towards implementation of Swasthavritta activities such as Sadvritta, Achararasayana, Dinacharya and Ritucharya etc. in the last five years

8.1.5 The institution has taken adequate measures to develop and maintain Herbal Garden in terms of the number of species and plants....

8.1.6 The institution has taken adequate measures for the preservation and propagation of rare and endangered medicinal plants as per the list provided by the National Medicinal Plant Board

8.1.10 Describe the availability of licenced and certified teaching Pharmacy for teaching and demonstration for students and medicine manufacturing within 500 words

8.1.11 Describe the activities undertaken by the Institution towards practice of various procedures of Kriyakalpa

8.1.12 Describe the activities undertaken by the Institution towards practice of various types of Anushastra

8.1.13 Describe the activities undertaken by the Institution towards practice of various procedures related to Prasuti and streeroga (uttarabasti, garbha sanskara etc.)

8.1.14 Describe the facilities available in the Institution towards delivering Pathya kalpana

8.1.15 Efforts made by the Institution for carrying out Pharmacovigilance activities related to Ayurvedic drugs.

8.1.8 Efforts of the institution to involve students in yogic practices & Promotion of such practices among the public / Community

8.1.16 In The teaching Hospital / Clinical Laborartry accridited by any natiobnal accrediting agency 1, NABH accriditation of the teaching Hospital 2, NABL Acctrditation of laborartries 3, ISO certification of the departments, 4 , Other recogonized acrreditatiions

8.1.7 Report of Activities Undertaken by the institution for cultivation and propagation of medicinal plants....

8.1.9 Details of Activities programming with Geo tagging/ ....