


The Department of Swasthavritta is a multidisciplinary department with a focus on personalized preventive and promotive health care, Diet medicine, research on priority health problems, to develop doctors with a service orientation to various needs of community.

Departmental Vision:

  • To be an outstanding center of excellence for Ayurveda Preventive and promotive health care and set the highest standards for education, Research, and Patient Care through Ayurveda for the benefit of humanity”


  • Be a role model by setting up benchmarks for Under Graduate Education in Swasthavritta
  • Bring preventive and promotive health care of Ayurveda of highest standards within the reach of every individual at National and International Level
  • Undertake interdisciplinary research focused on validation of Ancient Wisdom of Ayurveda using modern tools and technology

Personalized Preventive and Promotive Health

Educating, equipping and empowering individuals with information and resources they need to protect their health has been one of the priority areas of the department

Clinical Training:
Clinical Training: Department has its own OPD as Lifestyle clinic, which runs 6 days a week. The experts / clinicians do counselling of diet and lifestyle for patients and also for healthy individuals. The Department also has Pathyahara Unit, where therapeutic diet is supplied to the patients from the Hospital canteen.

Yoga Hall is another unit attached to the department, where the patients from the hospital are given therapeutic yoga. Yoga classes for healthy individuals are also conducted regularly by the department.
The Department strives to provide the best learning opportunity for under graduate students through its innovative community-based medical education.