Rasa Shastra and Bhaishajya Kalpana deals with the Indian alchemy,preparation of medicines by using Kashtaoushadhi (Herbal), Rasoushadhi (Mineral) and Kashta-rasoushadhi (Herbo-mineral). These drugs must undergo proper samskaras like, shodhana, marana, etc, before preparing medicines to avoid toxicity of the drugs. All the samskaras mentioned in the classics are performed in thedepartment The pharmacy is attached to with this department and the medicines prepared in it are used in the camps and college hospital.This department also provides practical training of Shodhana, Marana, etc. of the minerals and teaches the formulations of Kwatha, Vati, Avaleha, RasakriyaChurna, Bhasma ,rasa, parpati, Varti, Asava-arishta, arka etc The department has a well maintained museum containing all the specimens of metals, minerals, herbal drugs, charts models etc. Pharmacy visits are organized during the academic year to know about the pharmacy and industrial management regarding manufacturing of medicine etc for the students